Stunning Miss Duchess Looking forward and extremely excited to see her puppies one day - shes only 2.4lb right now at three months old.. hope she makes 4lbs so can breed her.. Tiny Pixie face poodles
Puttin On The Ritz Poodles
Teacups and Super Tiny Toy Poodles
Request waiting list for puppies Call 254-434-9449
Call today to get on list a $500.00 dollar deposit is requires for each puppy requested,
No cash refunds will be given if we agree to sell to buyer, All deposits and pyments are non-refundable .
Puttin On The Ritz Poodles Purchase Agreement - Chocolate, Browns, Reds, Apricot - Blacks, Sliver, Whites , Cream ~ Tux, Parti, Solid Groups
Babe and Frank Puppies Coming Soon
Riviera and Ritz Beautiful TUX Future Dams
Miss Riveria - Very Tiny Toy
Any puppy $3500
Miss Olivia - Teacup
Any puppy $3500
These tux beauties are
two of Clementine's girls. They will have babies this winter, Get on the waiting list now, their babies will not last long.
Sires Left to right: Brodie, Ritz, Frank JR, Barker O'Malley and, Alvin.
Request Waiting List for Puppies
Teacup Parti Poodles Puppies
Chocolate, Blacks, Red, Whites , Cream ~ Tux, Phantom, Parti, Solid
Tiny Teacup, Teacup, Tiny Toy, Toy Poodles
Request List for Puppies
by Puttin On The Ritz Poodles Puppies
Teacup and Super Tiny Toy puppies with the distinctve Pixie face
Amazing Cha- Cha and Ya-Ya sisters
Lillys darling dauthers , we believe they were twins. excited to see puppies one day. hopefuly they will make 4lbs!
Tiny Pixie face poodles
Carolina is lving with Billy and Sandra
She is a stunning girl out of our Brodie and Tessa. She only had one puppy and the beauty lives happy in NC
Miss Contessa - Teacup
Any puppy $3500
Miss Lilly- Teacup
Any puppy $3500
tiny Pizie face Fairy May Magic at 12 weeks old lives with MS Kim in Vegus she was born on Mothers Day, MS Kim says she weighs tiny over 2 lbs now. Amazing tny teacup!
Future Dams and Sires for Puttin On The Ritz Poodles
Future Dams for Puttin On The Ritz Poodles
Miss Lizzy Tux Teacup
Any puppy out of Lizzy
Miss Libbyy Tux Teacup
Any puppy out of Lizzy
Puttin On The Ritz Poodles Sires - Future Sires
Meet woderful Tux sisters Prissy and Sassie
great gene pool of very tiny toy tux poodles